Planned Parenthood leads Never Trump



Max Goldberg is a Planned Parenthood activist. Max is also the head of #NeverTrump groups. His motivation is to win the white house so Liberals have a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court.  Here he is posting a meme with his goal:



Max is one of 1000s of Liberals taking part in the Never Trump movement. They act nice to people who call themselves ‘Conservatives’ the whole time knowing they are about to take complete control of this nation.

The Far Left will:

  • Choose 2 more Judges. They will have a 6-3 majority. And as Ted Cruz pointed out this means we wont be able to overturn Roe v Wade as we would have if Trump won. Cruz pointed out we would lose 2nd Amendment rights, Religious Liberty, and Freedom of Speech.
  • Hillary promised 30,000,000 illegals will get voting rights by executive order. Of those 30,000,000 80% will vote Democrat. What this will do is PERMANENTLY MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR A CONSERVATIVE to win.

If Trump wins, his Judges that he named would:

  • Vote for the ‘Personhood’ of the unborn, granting the full rights under the constitution.
  • Repeal and Replace Obamacare.
  • Rule in favor of religious liberties.
  • Rule in favor of the 2nd amendment.

At this point Never Trumps will throw out 50 objections.

  • “Trump was Prochoice in 1999”. REALITY CHECK – Before the internet, the knowledge of what abortion truly is was not widely known. You are not shown the images of dead babies, you are told it is a clump of cells. Trump, like myself, didn’t know the Truth in 1999.   What is important is 1. He is Prolife now. 2. He chose the judges already. 3. The GOP Senate will have to approve of the Judges anyway, and they won’t choose a Pro-Abortion Judge if Trump is president. 4. Trump will have to choose these judges if he wants to win in 4 years.
  • “Trump will start World War 3”. Let’s compare Trump to Hillary. 1. Hillary Voted for the Iraq war, Trump was against it. 2. Hillary led the way into Libya, another war that shouldnt of happened. 3.Hillary wants to provoke Russia in Syria by forcing a no-fly zone over Syria.

“Hillary is more hawkish than Trump” – Minister Louis Farrakhan

  • “He is hot headed, we can’t trust him”

“With Trump what you see is what you get” – Minister Louis Farrakhan

1. Trump says what is on his mind, Hillary NEVER stops lying. 2. Trump is honest with his growing into politics. He admits that some of his views have evolved lately. He doesn’t lie about it, he just admits it. Politicians never do this. Hillary Clinton never does this. She doesn’t even have press conferences. 3. Hillary has been paid 100s of millions of dollars by Islamic governments, far left billionaires, and the abortion lobby.

  • “Trump was mean to Ted Cruz” – Ok, he was. He said alot of dumb things. He should apologize.Is this a reason not to vote for him?

People who consider themselves Conservatives needs to understand what we will have if we win. We will have the House, The Senate, The White House, and The Supreme Court. We will have full and complete control of the country. This SHOULD BE so exciting to conservatives that they give all their time to trying to make it happen.

Whatever Conservative dream you have had for this country, IT IS ONLY possible if Trump Wins. All of the objections to Trump are guesses. People are basically saying:

“Trump did or said this” = Therefore he will be a bad president = Therefore I wont vote for him and rather would commit suicide than see Trump president.

For it is suicide…giving up your rights to a far left fascist Supreme Court is suicide.

The Truth is educated people who are True Conservatives put country first before anything. We see abortion in our heads often, we can’t pretend its not there. It haunts us. We shed tears when we think that we may just end the holocaust. We pray, we protest, we talk to women considering abortion, we donate money, and we vote.

This article is over, please tell me how giving up the chance to end abortion is Conservative.

Please tell me how letting 30,000,000 illegals become democratic voters, thus making it impossible for us to win again, is Conservative.

Please tell me how allowing the Supreme Court to go 6-3 Liberal is Conservative

Because In Reality, it isnt. It is Suicidal.

Trump or Another 50 Million Dead Babies.


It changes a man. When I was 14 I broke down in tears, heavy weeping, for a dog who had been hit by a car. My cousin Jason couldn’t understand why I was so affected by it. The dog had been an innocent victim of heartless people who couldn’t stop to drive him to a safe place.

Empathy in a culture of Death is very difficult.

When I was 15 I learned about animal laboratory tests. The torture these animals go through in the name of cosmetics. Rabbits get acid dripped into their eyes over several days until their eyes are gone. Then they are killed.

Rabbits have feelings.


Growing up in Skokie with a heavy Jewish population, and my Orthodox Jewish Mother         [ converted ] I never heard the end of the holocaust. 6 millions lives, families, mother-son relationships.  Billions of special moments between families gone.


The pain dealt to sentient beings from other sentient beings is something I experience through empathy, it seems, much more severely than most other people. I can be the rabbit getting acid dripped into his eyes, I can be the child at Auschwitz whose hand separates from his mother’s for the last time, and I can be the unborn baby in the womb.

It was 6 years ago that I watched a live abortion from the baby’s perspective. Up until then I hadn’t really cared much about abortion. It just wasn’t something that was part of my reality. But when I saw this video [ “The Silent Scream” ], I wept, and wept.

The Silent Scream

Empathy in this case is thinking about what was: a beautiful baby in her mother’s womb. The oneness of these two, the bonding, the baby hearing her mother’s heartbeat and the soothing sound of her voice.

There is so much beauty and love in that relationship. It is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Stop here and consider it as if you were the baby. Stop here.

…But what the baby doesn’t know is, some of those words of her mother’s are actually words condemning the child to be ripped apart in her womb. The baby has no idea, or does she? Can she sense the rejection?

The horror of the very act of abortion. The cold steel entering the baby’s sanctuary, grasping for the child, and ripping limb from limb. Reader, can you feel this? Empathy. Stop here. Stop.

…To compound my sadness about this issue I learned the reasons people have for thinking this it is okay. How can you justify killing your own daughter? You cannot.

The irony is most women commit abortion because they feel they have no other choice. They are not told their options. The abortionist only makes money from killing the child, not in adoption.

Then I learned the numbers. 57 Millions babies since 1973. 57,000,000 rejected children. Rejected by their mothers, their fathers, and put to death legally by a ‘doctor’and your tax dollars.



How do we stop it?

Our culture will never care for animals when we kill our own kids.

The way my mind works is, if there is any type of problem I immediately look for ways to fix it. This has annoyed some emotional friends I have because I don’t pause to wallow in my misery. So while they get emotional over a problem they are facing, and want to talk about how they are feeling, i’m looking for solutions.

There are two ways to end abortion nation-wide considered by those who are most strongly affected by abortion.

  1. Violence on a massive scale.
  2. Changing the Supreme Court. To Change the supreme court you need a pro-life president and Senate.

So I set off on a mission to get a pro-life president in office. First I supported Romney in 2012. Then I backed Ben Carson. When I say “backed”, I mean made several videos for, wrote articles for, started a Cyber-Team for, and spent 1000s of hours on Twitter and Facebook defending and promoting Ben Carson. I later regretted this when Carson backed Trump.I also regretted it when I learned about who Ted Cruz really is.

Ted Cruz has been fighting evil his whole life.  Not just fighting, but taking cases to the supreme court.He tried more in the supreme court than lawyer from Texas in history. He alone went against the Washington cartel of progressive politicians in both parties. He is a REAL Christian with a life story unlike any I have heard of.

In high school he said he would go to Princeton, become a U.S. Senator and run for President of the United States. He did all of that! But he did it to change the world in a good way. Ted Cruz doesn’t do these things for ego or pleasure, he does them to help people. And had he won the election, legalized abortion in most cases would be a thing of the past. Children would have their right to life returned to them.



Donald Trump

For months i have been the head of a Cyber Team targeting Trump. I have made many videos, blogs, and a website all aiming at promoting Ted Cruz and demoting Trump. I have spent 1000s of hours posting these video to 100s of Facebook groups, and many hashtags on Twitter. I have tried to speak reason to Trump supporters, and do not think i got through.

But Trump Won. So now Donald Trump is currently the only hope millions of babies have. Roe v. Wade stripped babies of their Right to Life, and our chance to overturning Roe is now or never.

There is one trait that Hillary , Bernie, Trump, and Cruz supporters share. Almost all of them could care less about the unborn. They want to pay less taxes, they want to own guns, they want free college, in short they want things for themselves. This is the fallen nature of mankind.

But real pro-lifers out there, our want is to see abortion end. This is how we vote.


Vote for the babies

As someone who works hard to end the abortion holocaust, I plead with you to Vote for Trump. We are their only voice. You dont matter, I don’t matter, our taxes and the constitution do not matter if babies don’t matter.

Please Vote for Donald Trump in November.


-Michael Leahy


9 / 11 Happens Every Day All Around Us

5 of the top 10 trending hashtags on Twitter this morning were about the anniversary of September 11th 2001. Millions of Americans will watch the footage of the planes crashing into the towers, the people jumping to their deaths, and finally the buildings coming down.

Around 3,000 people were killed that day. The cause? The cause is not Islam but the spirit that is behind Islam. The spirit that motivates Muslims to “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy”. When 1 person with this spirit reaches the point of action they walk into a crowded area and blow themselves up. When 3 people with this spirit become one they shoot up and kill Charlie Hebdo. When 19 people are led by this spirit they kill 3,000 innocent Americans. When millions of people are led with this this spirit they conquer whole nations and kill and destroy everything . 

Today while Americans reminisce about where they were that day, another 4,000 people will be murdered. As I write this now, they are being murdered in every city in the United States. They are not any less of a person than those who worked in the World Trade Center.  They simply cannot speak for themselves.

The reality of this Holocaust 2015 is only in the minds of those who have witnessed it. We have seen the films and we have seen the photos. In one Film, “The Silent Scream”,

we see a child who is 3 months old in his mother’s wombs. He has his thumb up to his mouth. The ultra sound brings us into this little guy’s world. He is peaceful, his life should be a long one. His future full of possibilities. But suddenly you see an instrument enter the womb, the baby rears back to get away from it, but with no success. Over the course of 5 minutes you see each limb ripped from the baby. Finally all there is left is the head. The murderer then grabs the head with his forceps and crushes it. The Abortion is complete.

4,000 times a day this happens. 4,000 mothers approving of this genocide. 1,000s of ‘doctors’ using their education to end life, not save it. 1,000s of judges and lawyers and politicians using their power to end the life of these innocent children. MILLIONS of people who go about their day without any care, any empathy, any love for these small people.

It is not blatant hypocrisy, but pure sociopathy. Pro-abortionists and Muslims are led by the same spirit. They also have these traits in common with the most infamous serial kills in history.

Sociopaths believe that violence is acceptable to get what they want.                                     Sociopaths kill people who have done nothing against them.                                                    Sociopaths dehumanize the person so as to make killing them easier.                                    Sociopaths always put themselves first above all people.

Those who approve of this daily 9/11 believe killing a baby is okay in order to live carefree. They refer to a baby they don’t want as a ‘fetus’, but a baby that they do want,they will call it a baby.

“I feel my baby kicking”, “What should I name the baby?”

Yet these same people will act sad on 9/11, because 9/11 affected them. Talking and Tweeting about it gives them a sense of belonging to a larger community. 9/11 made them feel as if they were in danger of being killed. This discomfort is shared and people comfort them.

This 9/11 however brings us a new sun rising. A new light shining through the smoke, ash, and dust of all destruction and death. We have a man who has been chosen by “The Light”, led by “The Life”, and walks in “The Way” that the creator of all is guiding him on. This year we have Dr. Ben Carson. If Ben Carson becomes President, He will choose 2 Justices to the Supreme Court, This will make the court 6-3 pro-life. Eventually our conservative lawyers will manage to get a case up to the Supreme Court which will challenge Roe v. Wade. This will cause the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Pro-lifers would do well to understand that Ben Carson has the Best Chance of beating the Pro-Abortion party. In poll after poll he does better against Hillary than any other Republican.

Finally The Day has come. The day which Ms. McCorvey (Jane Roe) wanted so badly to come. She became a Pro-Life activist shortly after she realized what Roe v. Wade did.

American, we have the opportunity to end the Holocaust that has taken 5 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0  lives in the United States alone. In a sense, we can turn back those planes, and make them land safe everyday for 100s of years. We can rewrite history , and declare the past 50 years the Dark Days of Abortion.

Please Vote for Ben Carson this Election.