9 / 11 Happens Every Day All Around Us

5 of the top 10 trending hashtags on Twitter this morning were about the anniversary of September 11th 2001. Millions of Americans will watch the footage of the planes crashing into the towers, the people jumping to their deaths, and finally the buildings coming down.

Around 3,000 people were killed that day. The cause? The cause is not Islam but the spirit that is behind Islam. The spirit that motivates Muslims to “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy”. When 1 person with this spirit reaches the point of action they walk into a crowded area and blow themselves up. When 3 people with this spirit become one they shoot up and kill Charlie Hebdo. When 19 people are led by this spirit they kill 3,000 innocent Americans. When millions of people are led with this this spirit they conquer whole nations and kill and destroy everything . 

Today while Americans reminisce about where they were that day, another 4,000 people will be murdered. As I write this now, they are being murdered in every city in the United States. They are not any less of a person than those who worked in the World Trade Center.  They simply cannot speak for themselves.

The reality of this Holocaust 2015 is only in the minds of those who have witnessed it. We have seen the films and we have seen the photos. In one Film, “The Silent Scream”,

we see a child who is 3 months old in his mother’s wombs. He has his thumb up to his mouth. The ultra sound brings us into this little guy’s world. He is peaceful, his life should be a long one. His future full of possibilities. But suddenly you see an instrument enter the womb, the baby rears back to get away from it, but with no success. Over the course of 5 minutes you see each limb ripped from the baby. Finally all there is left is the head. The murderer then grabs the head with his forceps and crushes it. The Abortion is complete.

4,000 times a day this happens. 4,000 mothers approving of this genocide. 1,000s of ‘doctors’ using their education to end life, not save it. 1,000s of judges and lawyers and politicians using their power to end the life of these innocent children. MILLIONS of people who go about their day without any care, any empathy, any love for these small people.

It is not blatant hypocrisy, but pure sociopathy. Pro-abortionists and Muslims are led by the same spirit. They also have these traits in common with the most infamous serial kills in history.

Sociopaths believe that violence is acceptable to get what they want.                                     Sociopaths kill people who have done nothing against them.                                                    Sociopaths dehumanize the person so as to make killing them easier.                                    Sociopaths always put themselves first above all people.

Those who approve of this daily 9/11 believe killing a baby is okay in order to live carefree. They refer to a baby they don’t want as a ‘fetus’, but a baby that they do want,they will call it a baby.

“I feel my baby kicking”, “What should I name the baby?”

Yet these same people will act sad on 9/11, because 9/11 affected them. Talking and Tweeting about it gives them a sense of belonging to a larger community. 9/11 made them feel as if they were in danger of being killed. This discomfort is shared and people comfort them.

This 9/11 however brings us a new sun rising. A new light shining through the smoke, ash, and dust of all destruction and death. We have a man who has been chosen by “The Light”, led by “The Life”, and walks in “The Way” that the creator of all is guiding him on. This year we have Dr. Ben Carson. If Ben Carson becomes President, He will choose 2 Justices to the Supreme Court, This will make the court 6-3 pro-life. Eventually our conservative lawyers will manage to get a case up to the Supreme Court which will challenge Roe v. Wade. This will cause the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Pro-lifers would do well to understand that Ben Carson has the Best Chance of beating the Pro-Abortion party. In poll after poll he does better against Hillary than any other Republican.

Finally The Day has come. The day which Ms. McCorvey (Jane Roe) wanted so badly to come. She became a Pro-Life activist shortly after she realized what Roe v. Wade did.

American, we have the opportunity to end the Holocaust that has taken 5 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0  lives in the United States alone. In a sense, we can turn back those planes, and make them land safe everyday for 100s of years. We can rewrite history , and declare the past 50 years the Dark Days of Abortion.

Please Vote for Ben Carson this Election.