“Babies Lives Don’t Matter” – Glenn Beck

His actions say, “Babies lives don’t matter”.

Glenn Beck wants the Holocaust to continue. He has made it his mission to see that people do not vote for the only way in which the holocaust will end.

He is a deceiver, who has spent his career saying biblical things only to go the way of the devil when America has it’s only chance to end the murder of 59,000,000 babies. For Glenn, his “idea of America” trump’s the lives of babies. In order to protect his idea, he tells his listeners to oppose Trump. He manipulates his audience with half truths, and stories the left would use for the Clinton campaign.

Any broadcaster who claims to be a Christian, who does not do all they can to end abortion is most likely not a Christian. Or they are just ignorant of what is happening to babies.

“no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” ~ 1st John 3.15

“the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”. ~ Romans 5.5

Glenn Beck tells his audience that his “idea of America” is more important than life itself.

Unlike Glenn Beck, real prolifers see abortion in our minds daily. We have this thing called empathy for the unborn. We imagine the state of the unborn. We see them sleeping in their sanctuary, there mother’s womb. We see the poisonous idea infecting their mother’s mind telling them to end their daughter’s life. And then we see the horror the baby goes through at the abortionist’s tool rip the baby apart.

We see  3,000 – 4,000 a day being ripped apart in the womb. It doesn’t end.

“Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.” ~James 4.9



However, for Glenn Beck this is either not a reality in his mind, or he has placed his ideology over the lives of millions of babies. Babies Glenn. BABIES. Your idea of America has no value if it does not protect the unborn.

Let me repeat that, Glenn Beck, the guy who talks about God all the time and thinks he is some sort of Moses leading God’s people on Earth, thinks his ideology is more important than THE LIVES OF MILLIONS OF BABIES.

When the Holy Spirit is in a believer, He pulls them to and fro throughout life. Our job is to ‘walk in the Spirit”, and allow the spirit to pull us. Perhaps I am wrong, but I doubt the Spirit would lead a man to rail against the only way to end the holocaust.

“Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them.  But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.’ And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.” ~Mark 10.13-16

What Glenn Beck has done is convince a large amount of people that Trump is evil because he does not speak the same language Glenn speaks. Glenn will point out some of the things he said. His formula is


Why does Glenn do this? Does he believe it? Or is it because his sponsors like Patriot Supply , Gold Line , and Bond Arms make more money when people feel uneasy about the future. So Glenn’s narrative throughout the years he has been on the radio has been to tell people that Armageddon is just around the corner.

This summer was supposed to be the “Summer of 64”. Glenn made it sound like the Anti-Christ was about to appear.

Whatever the reasons are, one thing is clear, those who love the unborn and are aware of what abortion is, will vote for Trump.

Trump has given us a list of the most prolife judges. He has promised to choose from that list.

“Trump Releases 2nd List of Judges he will choose from for the Supreme Court”


Also, in order to maintain the Senate we will most likely need to win the white house. As it looks like now the Senate will be split 50/50, the power will go to the the party that wins the White House.

If we win, we will have the House, the White House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. Every thing the right has wanted for decades can happen under Trump. But none of those mean anything if the Holocaust continues.

We must win.


– In Christ


Black & Latino Voters Back Ben Carson

For anyone surfing the Twitter-Verse this August, seeing a tweet supporting Dr. Ben Carson is a regular occurrence. This wouldn’t be a story if it weren’t for the large percentage of Black People who support Ben Carson.

Don’t take the author’s word for it, search twitter yourself.

As support for Dr. Ben Carson grows, so does the discomfort of the Left. While Democrats have tried to make Black People dependent on them, the tables have turned to where Democrats could not win an election without 85% of black voters voting for them.

As I type this, the Democrats and their media (CNN, MSNBC, NPR, TYT, NBC, ABC, Yahoo, Et) are creating ways so that distrust for Dr. Carson will grow in Black and Latino communities. Here is what they have tried so far:

1. They lied to their readers/viewers and said “Ben Carson wants to bomb minorities”. This was quickly corrected on twitter by Ben Carson supporters who posted the actual video of Ben Carson speaking about immigration.                                                                                However, at the time of this posting, the Spanish twitter-verse still is under the assumption that Ben Carson wants to bomb immigrants. 1000s of the same tweets have been posted and retweeted. Is deception the only thing the left can do to win?

2. They twisted his words and said, “Ben Carson says the #BlackLivesMatter movement is silly”. What he really called silly was the attack on a white police officer because he said, “Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter”. This is exactly what I want my police officer to say. But for some people , freedom of speech is only allowed if people say what they want them to say. They think saying  “all lives matter” is racist, so they demanded the officer apologize.

These are just two examples of how the media and the Democratic party are in collusion. While this has been happening they have also given many hours to discussing Donald Trump. They do this because Donald Trump fits the narrative that the Left-Wing media espouse to their viewers. Day and Night they paint this image of the Republican Party that they are all Racist, Sexist, & Wealthy. Trump and his mouth have repeatedly proved their point so much so that the suspicion that Trump is actually working for Democrats is a reasonable suspicion.

But while they have Trump on their networks all day and night, they rarely have Ben Carson on, and when they do, the story has been twisted so as to take Dr. Carson’s actual words and turn them into something a sociopath would say (e.g. bombing immigrants).

What it will come down to is whether the majority of Black and Latino voters just accept the narrative they are told, or if they actually search for a video of Dr. Ben Carson speaking himself. Gone are the days when people had to trust what the TV said.

What helped the Democrats in 2012, could destroy them if they continue to create false representations of the the Truth. Eventually Black voters will notice a pattern of deception coming from Left Wing media groups closely connected to Democratic leaders.

They will also begin to see Dr. Ben Carson as a man who is being attacked by big media outlets. Americans love an underdog, we love a David, and we will love Ben Carson as well, all the way to the White House.