Hillary’s Crime Bill Starved Millions

The 1994 Crime Bill , which Hillary helped her husband sell to the American Public, included ‘welfare reform’. People who are felons are no longer able to get food stamps or welfare. Since that time 1000s of poor people starved to death, and others just starved. Although many states have recently decided to pull away from the crime bill, many more have kept either all, or part of the law.

The victims of the Crime Bill are not talked about in the Democrat controlled media, they are ignored, and instead we are told to be outraged over Trump speaking with foul language.

Have you ever been really hungry? Many Americans haven’t. Food is readily available to almost all Americans. But for millions of non-violent offenders, they face real hunger. They would work if they could get hired. But if  they can’t get work, then they have to depend on food pantries and family.

Usually people in this situation make it by. For 1000s however, especially felons who were handicapped or very old, felons without families and friends, they simply starve to death, forgotten & alone because of the Clinton’s Crime Bill.

Under Hillary Clinton’s lead, this country has caused a war in Iraq that led to almost a million deaths, she destroyed Libya, locked up 100s of thousands of black men in prison for non-violent offenses. This Mass Incarceration coupled with Welfare Reform decimates 1000s of black families. This leads to more crime , more divorce, more mental illness, and less parents for black children.

With the election only 4 weeks away, Hillary has not committed to erasing the violence of the Crime Bill. Instead, in new leaks today of her Wall St. speeches that she tried to suppress, we learned that she told bankers that what she says to the public is different than what she says in private.

Starvation, Wars, Two Faced Lying, all the hallmarks of Hillary Clinton.